THE PLUMBING HANDBOOKEvery year, Rørentrepreneurene Norge publishes a new and updated version of the Rørhåndboka of approx. 650 pages, with this associated app. The pipe handbook is an encyclopedia used byplumbers, apprentices, skilled workers, consultants and operating technicians and contains specialist solutions for the execution and installation of pipe installations, as well as precautions for electrical installations.The pipe handbook also contains routines for the prevention of HSE when carrying out pipe installations, including safe job analysis and first aid. In addition, the manual contains formulas and examplesfor useful calculations, weights, conversion tables for energy and pressure, installation measurements, sign symbols etc.The app is based on the annually revised edition of the handbook and mirrors the paper edition.Main content of the app and the paper version:Sanitary installationsHeating and cooling installations - heat pumpsSprinkler system, residential sprinkling, water misting systemManual extinguishing equipmentGas sweat rulesCompressed air systemIce water plantElectrical worksExternal sanitary facilitiesBusiness, health, environment and safetyCalculations, weightsSymbols, units, conversion tablesPipe types and joining methodsPrivacy and information securityCalendarFirst aid pagesThe pipe handbook PlusThis is the complete edition of the Rørhåndboka and is only available digitally at and includes all chapters for execution, planning and administration.In addition, the Rørhåndboka Plus gives access to the Handbook on water damage from Mycoteam and older editions. Visit for more information and ordering.